Studying in Germany (Part-2) ,(After settling in for a week to a month or two)

Apps that make student life easy
Apps that make student life easy

Here, is a closer look at how student life can be.

Well depending upon your course and time-table or course-plan ,one has to manage time and energy wisely. The college experience can be different for different people,so,I’m giving certain tips that might help any one and everyone in general.Also, learning etiquette and knowing a little bit more about German culture is always an advantage.


  •  Be on time or at least 10 to 15 mins early ,if you an appointment or in case not.
  • For meeting your professors and entering any lab ,one needs to book an appointment from your prof and concerned faculty from your university mail.(which you will receive from the university )
  • Know your curriculum and course very well ,and decide accordingly before taking up that subject ,also get a good a review from your seniors and analyze your strengths and then choose your subjects.


Now I will be discussing about your city life how to get through your day and life in University.

According to your Studierendenausweis a.k.a Student Identity Card.

Just see where you can travel for free ,as different universities have different facilities and offers.So, go through them properly.

Also to get through traveling with ease ,you can use the following apps.

  • Offi Directions
  • Offi Network Planner
  • Offi Stations
  • DB planner
  • Of course ,Google navigation and Maps

The Offi apps can be used for day-to-day navigation in and around your town and nearby cities.

The next part of the series will focus on getting through day-to-day life the markets and a price chart for the essential veges and meats etc.

Also,I will be publishing a few series in German,and,I’m still learning the language so, I hope I do justice to the grammar and language.

Next part ,coming soon….